One of the main activities of our company is complete general contracting. The professional level of our work is ensured by our team of highly educated and skilled employees. The public institutions, religious and heritage conservation projects, as well as industrial and agricultural facilities we have built represent a high standard of quality. From design to complete documentation and handover, we take care of every task, thus relieving our clients of the burden.
Our goal is to contribute to the development of our environment with the facilities we construct, leaving a lasting impact. Please take a look at our continuously expanding list of references! If you have any further questions or need more information, feel free to let us know.
Medical clinic and office building expansion - Gárdony subcenter
Expansion and transformation of plastic
injection molding plant building
Enying-balatonbozsok, renovation
of family and child welfare center
Energy modernization of the
Borbála telepi kindergarten building.
Renovation of municipal rental apartments, renovation of a 24-apartment condominium building.
Construction of a psychiatric care
and day therapy department.
Renovation of the psychiatric
outpatient care facility.
Renovation of the psychiatric outpatient care facility at szent györgy university teaching hospital.
Establishment and expansion of nursery capacity.
Investment: top-1.4.1-19-bk1-2019-00017.
Subject of the contract: establishment and expansion of nursery capacity in 6077 orgovány, kölcsey u. 1-3.