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VERTIKAL Group Plc. held its Annual General Meeting

VERTIKAL Group Plc., listed on the Xtend platform of the Budapest Stock Exchange, held its Annual General Meeting, at which shareholders approved the company's financial statements for 2023: the company's net sales after sales increased by nearly 70 percent to more than 12.5 billion HUF and its profit after tax exceeded 765 million HUF. At the meeting, the Board of Directors' proposal was approved that, in order to achieve the planned growth, no dividends should be paid after 2023, and that the entire after-tax profit should be transferred to the profit and loss reserve. In addition, the AGM voted in favour of the authorisation to buy treasury shares.


VERTIKAL Group Plc. held its Annual General Meeting on 23 April, at which shareholders approved the company's individual and consolidated annual statements for the financial year 2023: based on the company's audited accounts for 2023, in accordance with the Accounting Act, net sales increased by almost 70 percent - after 7 449 721 thousand HUF in 2022, this time exceeding 12 536 217 thousand HUF.


The General Meeting also decided on the dividend payment. The profit after tax amounted to more than 765 273 thousand HUF, which VERTIKAL will transfer in full to the profit reserve in line with its growth targets.


Shareholders also voted in favour of the Board's proposal to acquire treasury shares, which resulted in the Board being authorised to acquire treasury shares for a period of 18 months. The purpose of this is to operate share-based incentive plans to be introduced by the company, to secure the share requirements of the transactions to be implemented, to finance all or part of the consideration for acquisitions and to establish financing, underwriting and other investment structures.


At the same time, the General Meeting of VERTIKAL Group Plc. approved the Corporate Governance and Remuneration Report 2023, the evaluation of the work of the members of the Board of Directors during the last year and the revised remuneration policy.